David Fincher made a movie about someone who was still studying 6 years ago…
Read MoreDavid Fincher made a movie about someone who was still studying 6 years ago…
Read MoreAdrian Chan, a social interaction consultant is blogging on Mashable about designing for social participation. His bottom line: Take an interest in what the users are good at.
Read MoreDesign21 – A network for Social Design in partnership with UNESCO spanning Arts & Culture, Poverty, Well-Being, Communication, Education or Aid. A plattform for people and organizations dealing with with different, but overall ethically biased approaches towards Social Design. The networks mission is to inspire social activism through design. “Social change can happen through design!” […]
Read More“Der Traum einer Sache – Social Design zwischen Utopie und Alltag” was the title of an exhibition at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna lasting from 3.Nov – 12. Dec 2009. The interdisciplinary framework tried to fathom the contemporary concept of “Social Design” by means of discussions, historical roots, motivations and promises displaying artworks, theory […]
Read MoreThe danish Artist FOS puts his emphasis on the processual in contemporary art, the artistic practice rather than the product. A dialogue of form and non-form occurs which question fixed rules and works towards the possibilities of new social hierarchies and meanings. Archtecture, space, environments shape societal life, but their understanding of Social Design aims […]
Read More“We witness sublimation as a means of mimicry. The outcome is a subliminal camouflage that, by referencing the reference of a reference, eventually becomes some uncut simulacric compound.” – “The transition from signs that dissimulate something to signs that dissimulate that there is nothing marks a decisive turning point.” Aaron Moulton “Videodrome” / Jean Baudrillard […]
Read MoreUnfortunately only available in German, Sandra Benz and Vera Warter created a beautiful cookbook for the postmodern counter-propaganda. Subversive, nicely crafted and very useful. A recommendation for those who think that their opinion should augment in range, but not by PR budget.
Read More“In Michel de Certeau’s seminal book The Practice of Everyday Life from 1984, he pinpoints behavioral strategies of contemporary man as a way to make us, the reader and ultimately the subject, become more self-reflexive about our procedures for social engagement, leisure and personal economy. One key concept is la perruque or “the wig,” a French expression that references the […]
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